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ST4Health is an international interdisciplinary research master program in biomedical engineering and health technology. The program is based on a core curriculum that provides the fundamental knowledge and methodological tools needed to tackle the challenges posed by developments in the healthcare sector. A choice of three specializations is offered: biomaterials and engineering for health (BEH), artificial intelligence and digital health (AIH), digital mental health (DMH).

Master 1

The courses of this first year (60 ECTS) aim to strengthen and broaden students' skills in biomedical science and engineering. A set of core courses covering general and cross-disciplinary concepts is offered. These courses are supplemented by optional specialisation courses to prepare students for the M2 year.

M1 Program
Master 2

The M2 programme (60 ECTS) is based on a core curriculum (18 ECTS) covering the fundamental aspects of research and innovation applied to healthcare: medical sciences, methodology, innovation and society, organization of healthcare and entrepreneurship in healthtech. These courses are supplemented by courses and internships specific to each track (minimum 42 ECTS).